Introducing ... Zoya

An Interactive Application To Communicate With Your Website Visitors and Customers

  • Receive voice messages, video messages or screen recordings directly from your website.
  • Build a list of potential customers.
  • Cloud-based - Nothing To Install...
  • No Telephone Calls Required!

Get Zoya For A Special One-Time Payment of $47.00!

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No Risk - 14-Day Money Back Guarantee!

Once this special one-time pricing offer ends, Zoya will only be available as a subscription-based application, at which point it will only be available at a monthly and/or annual subscription rate.

Web Interactions Enhanced By Recordings

Website visitors can send you audio, video or screen recordings!

Audio Recordings

Video Recordings

Screen Recordings

Enhance Your Customer List

Build a list of potential customers, too.


Get Zoya For A Special One-Time Payment of $47.00!

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No Risk - 14-Day Money Back Guarantee!

Once this special one-time pricing offer ends, Zoya will only be available as a subscription-based application, at which point it will only be available at a monthly and/or annual subscription rate.

Recordings From Your Website In 3 Easy Steps

Step 1:

Login to the secure Zoya platform and create an inline or sidebar (dialog) widget.

Step 2:

Add the Zoya widget to your wbsite.

Step 3:

Website visitors can now send you recorded messages.


Get Zoya For A Special One-Time Payment of Only $47.00!

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14-Day Money-Back Guarantee!